Unbiased Information and Reviews on Appliances, Solar and Saving Electricity

Tag: Cost

Online Electricity Bill Calculator – For all states in India

By on April 23, 2023
Online Electricity Bill Calculator – For all states in India
For most of us, the electricity bill is needed just to check the final amount and make the payment. We at Bijli Bachao asked a lot of our acquaintances about how much they understand their electricity bills, and we found hardly a handful who did understand it. And in spite of understanding the bills, not many knew how much they are spending per unit (or 1 kWh) of electricity. It is very important to know the per-unit cost of electricity

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Use Washing Machine efficiently to save electricity

By on April 26, 2018
Use Washing Machine efficiently to save electricity
It is not just buying energy efficient products that will save electricity for you; right operation of the same will also make an impact. Efficiency of a washing machine depends a lot on how it is used regularly. Washing machine is a very costly appliance to operate and in-efficient use of it can skyrocket your washing costs. The way cloths are washed can actually save you money. Here are some basic tips: 1) Front Load or

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