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Tag: distribution

Defective electricity meter – what can you do?

By on August 25, 2015
Defective electricity meter – what can you do?
Electricity meters just like any other device or appliance can go wrong any time. Although it does not mean that they are the sole reasons of high electricity bills, but it can be one of the issues. The first thing that you can do is to validate the electricity bill amounts using some guidelines that are available on our website. And if it is found that the electricity meter is defective, then you need to “act”. With this article we will try to explain what does

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Fuel Adjustment Charges on Electricity Bills explained

By on November 14, 2019
Fuel Adjustment Charges on Electricity Bills explained
Have you ever wondered why your electricity bill amount is not the same even when you have the same number of units consumed on the bill? Why is it that the electricity bill is different even when you have not changed your electricity consumption? If you look at your bills you will just find that there is an amount mentioned as FAC or FCA or FPPCA, which is either positive or negative and is creating the difference.

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