Tag: performance
What are Energy Performance Certificates or EPC
Labels on products that provide information on their energy consumption is an extremely popular method to help consumers take decisions. In India, the five star labelling scheme is used primarily for the electrical appliances to provide information on electricity use (link). Interestingly, in most of the western countries, the concept of labelling is also applied on automobiles and even houses.
What is Energy performance certificate
What is an EPC or Energy performance contract in India
If you are a customer who wishes to implement energy efficiency or renewable energy project but do not have in-house capacity or do not wish to take all the risk associated with the savings from such project, energy performance contracting is a useful tool.
What is EPC?
Energy Performance contracting is a service in which a customer can get a set energy efficiency projects implemented
BEE star rating includes Indian Standards
One of the common misconceptions that we hear of when we talk about BEE star rating is that BEE standards do not include Indian Standards. Many people believe that BEE has set its own standards and they are separate from IS or Indian Standards. But fortunately that is not true. Most appliances for which there is a standard set by BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), BEE adopts these standards and additional specifications have been defined to set new BEE standards. In
Use Refrigerator efficiently to save electricity
Refrigerators are one of the biggest contributors (about 15%) of a typical residential electricity bill, and efficiently operating the same can significantly impact the electricity bill. Although buying a BEE 5 star rated refrigerator is the first thing one should do, but along with that, several operating procedures should be taken care of:
1) Do not stuff the refrigerator full as it will hinder the flow of cold air thereby decreasing