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Tag: power consumption

Use Washing Machine efficiently to save electricity

By on April 26, 2018
Use Washing Machine efficiently to save electricity
It is not just buying energy efficient products that will save electricity for you; right operation of the same will also make an impact. Efficiency of a washing machine depends a lot on how it is used regularly. Washing machine is a very costly appliance to operate and in-efficient use of it can skyrocket your washing costs. The way cloths are washed can actually save you money. Here are some basic tips: 1) Front Load or

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Laptop and Desktop energy comparison

By on April 22, 2016
Laptop and Desktop energy comparison
While there are many factors like price, portability, space and ease of upgrade that are considered while making a decision to buy a laptop, tablet or a desktop, electricity consumption is rarely considered as a factor. Most people use laptop, tablet or desktop without knowing how much power it consumes. Although there can be various other factors that can be important for someone buying a machine, but if electricity consumption is considered, laptops and tablets

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Television Set top box can hog power

By on July 29, 2015
Television Set top box can hog power
With advent of digital television and high definition broadcast, television set top boxes have become quite common in houses today. More and more people are going for DTH services and even the cable operators have started providing digital transmission through set top box. In fact in the metros the set top boxes have become mandatory. But rarely do people understand the power consumption of set top box before using it. And because it takes time to start up (just like

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