Unbiased Information and Reviews on Appliances, Solar and Saving Electricity

Tag: regulatory

What is BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India?

By on April 22, 2016
What is BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India?
We have been doing “Bijli Bachao” for a year now and this thought never crossed our mind that people may not know about BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India. While talking to someone recently we came across this question “what is BEE?” and we realized that this is something many in the country many not know about. Most people while buying appliances look at the star ratings but this knowledge of who is doing it is not very obvious. Although BEE (Bureau

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Defective electricity meter – what can you do?

By on August 25, 2015
Defective electricity meter – what can you do?
Electricity meters just like any other device or appliance can go wrong any time. Although it does not mean that they are the sole reasons of high electricity bills, but it can be one of the issues. The first thing that you can do is to validate the electricity bill amounts using some guidelines that are available on our website. And if it is found that the electricity meter is defective, then you need to “act”. With this article we will try to explain what does

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Impact of Contracted Load on Fixed Charges in Electricity Bills

By on August 14, 2021
Impact of Contracted Load on Fixed Charges in Electricity Bills
Electricity bill and it’s components are considered as one of the most difficult to understand and most people make the payment without understanding the same. So to help people understand electricity bills in India we are writing a series of articles and creating calculators to help people understand their electricity bills properly. This is the first article in the series and in this we will try to explain the concept of contracted

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Domestic LT Tariff Slabs and Rates for all states in India in 2012

By on February 11, 2019
As the electricity tariff rates have increased in several states in India in 2012, we at Bijli Bachao thought that it will be very useful for our readers to know about the latest tariff slabs and rates applicable for 2012-2013. So we did our research for all the states in India and below table lists all the latest tariff slabs and rates applicable for LT (Low Tension) domestic customers in urban centers in India. Please note that these do not apply to commercial, rural

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Domestic Electricity LT Tariff Slabs and Rates for all states in India in 2013

By on February 11, 2019
As the electricity tariff rates keep changing every year, we at Bijli Bachao thought that it will be very useful for our readers to know about the latest tariff slabs and rates applicable for 2013. So we do our research for all the states in India regularly and publish a table that lists all the latest tariff slabs and rates applicable for LT (Low Tension) domestic customers in urban centers in India. As the tariffs change, we update them in the list. Please note that

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