Unbiased Information and Reviews on Appliances, Solar and Saving Electricity

Tag: Star

What is BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India?

By on April 22, 2016
What is BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India?
We have been doing “Bijli Bachao” for a year now and this thought never crossed our mind that people may not know about BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) in India. While talking to someone recently we came across this question “what is BEE?” and we realized that this is something many in the country many not know about. Most people while buying appliances look at the star ratings but this knowledge of who is doing it is not very obvious. Although BEE (Bureau

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It is important to make right buying decision to save electricity

By on August 26, 2015
It is important to make right buying decision to save electricity
Technology is changing the face of the world. It is changing the way we do things and it simplifies our practical problems. In this age of technological improvements the number of gadgets that are available in market are increasing at a very fast pace. Owning a new gadget adds to the happiness quotient of many. Buying the latest technology or the biggest models makes many feel proud. But when the same increases the electricity bills, then there is a lot of heartburn.

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Split or Window which air conditioner should you buy?

By on May 7, 2019
Split or Window which air conditioner should you buy?
Should I buy a split air conditioner or a window air conditioner? This is a question that many air conditioner buyers thinks of, before making a purchase. And we keep getting this question quite regularly at Bijli Bachao. It is not just about split or window, but about a whole lot of things that should be considered while buying an air conditioner.  Air Conditioner is an appliance that can significantly blow up your electricity bills and utmost care should be taken

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BEE Star Rating Program Explained

By on April 22, 2016
BEE Star Rating Program Explained
Today, when we go to purchase an electrical appliance for our house, the number of choices available exceeds our capacity to understand and evaluate them. We are heavily loaded with information on a large number of products. This may at times land us in purchasing something that might not be the best option for us. However, once purchased, they are going to stay in our house almost till the life of the appliance, say 8-10 years for

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Renting or buying a fully/semi furnished home? Do remember to factor in the money that you will have to pay for electricity

By on August 27, 2015
Renting or buying a fully/semi furnished home? Do remember to factor in the money that you will have to pay for electricity
In today’s fast paced life, everyone is looking for quick and easy solutions. In past, and to a large extent even now, people buy their own appliances and they take them along with them wherever they go. But today there is an increasing trend where more and more people are looking for fully or semi furnished homes to rent and even to buy. The trend is especially picking up in metros and big cities, as more and more people are investing in properties to give them

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Water Heater Thermostat: use it right to save electricity

By on April 22, 2016
Water Heater Thermostat: use it right to save electricity
Like air conditioning, heating of water can be very expensive affair if not done right. Any heating or cooling appliance takes a lot of electricity and maintaining it at right temperature can save a lot of electricity. Most water heaters are equipped with a thermostat (leaving the good old immersion rods), and using it right can make you comfortable and can keep your electricity bills lower. What is a Thermostat? Thermostat

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