Tag: units
Use electric or steam iron effectively for ironing clothes
We all like to wear nice ironed cloths without creases, and doing the same has become a social norm. Although it is a mundane activity to iron cloths, but many people prefer to do it at home. Any heating or cooling appliance uses significant amount of electricity and an electric iron is no different. A typical electric iron is rated at about 1000-2000 watts, which is more than most appliances in a household. But does it really take 1 – 2 units (kwh) for 1 hour of
What are Watt, Kilowatt. kVAh and a unit of electricity
When we get our electricity bills, it shows that we have used a certain number of units for the given period. When we go to buy appliances, most of them have watts mentioned on them. If you find it difficult to understand the relation between the two, then you are not alone. Electricity bill and its components are confusing to many and with this article, we will try to explain what are watt, kilowatt and a unit of electricity.
What are Power and Energy/Electricity
Use Sun Control Film to block heat through window glass and enable effective air conditioning
We all love to have windows in our house. They infuse beauty and warmth of natural light and brighten every small and little space alike. They improve the ambience of the room and make us feel better. Unfortunately they also let a lot of heat exchange from outside the room. During summers, heat through the window can increase the temperature inside and in winters it can let the heat through the room escape impacting units consumed (of electricity) for air conditioner
Refrigerators with Inverter technology can help save electricity
Are you planning to buy a refrigerator and looking for energy saving options? If upfront cost for buying is not a concern for you then do look at refrigerators with inverter technology. Rest assured that the extra money you pay upfront will be recovered in the form of electricity savings. Inverter technology that was developed in Japan is the most efficient refrigeration technology available in the market today that can save up to 30-50% electricity consumed (units
Understand Energy charges in electricity bill and how average monthly bill is disadvantageous
Have you received your electricity bill recently and you are trying to understand what are the energy charges on your electricity bill? If that is the case then you are not alone, as electricity bill is the most complex bill that one receives. In case you came here looking for calculation of electricity bill, you can use online electricity bill calculator in the article: Online
Choose the right Regulator for Ceiling Fan for Electricity Saving
A ceiling fan is one of the most common appliances in Indian household. Being a tropical country, India relies a lot on the ceiling fan and there is a ceiling fan in every room in the country. When we go and buy a ceiling fan, we also get a regulator along with it. Regulators are of different types, and different ceiling fans come with different types of regulators. Most people typically do not care about the regulator, but it is very important to know that even the
Fuel Adjustment Charges on Electricity Bills explained
Have you ever wondered why your electricity bill amount is not the same even when you have the same number of units consumed on the bill? Why is it that the electricity bill is different even when you have not changed your electricity consumption? If you look at your bills you will just find that there is an amount mentioned as FAC or FCA or FPPCA, which is either positive or negative and is creating the difference.