Unbiased Information and Reviews on Appliances, Solar and Saving Electricity

Tag: Bill

Turning Green – Bijli Bachao case study – Mr. Amit Garg

By on August 27, 2015
Turning Green – Bijli Bachao case study – Mr. Amit Garg
We recently started doing energy audits at some homes in Mumbai and we started it with some of our friends. We had interesting observations during the audits and we thought of adding them to our “Turning Green” case studies. We did assessment of the latest electricity bills of these homes and also tried assessing the appliances and their electricity consumption. In this article we will present the assessment of Mr. Amit Garg from Mumbai. Assessment of

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Replacing old or buying new, why a BEE 5 star rated refrigerator always makes sense

By on April 22, 2016
Replacing old or buying new, why a BEE 5 star rated refrigerator always makes sense
Since last few weeks we have started auditing some homes in Mumbai to get a feeling of different kind of appliances available in various homes and their consumption pattern. And one interesting fact that has come to our notice is that the refrigerators are the second biggest consumers of electricity in any home after air conditioners, that too if there is a significant use of air conditioners in that home. Else refrigerators are truly the biggest consumers. The observations

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Dishwashers: How much electricity do they use and how to use them efficiently?

By on January 9, 2023
Dishwashers: How much electricity do they use and how to use them efficiently?
Most stereotypical maids in old bollywood movies were always shown as those washing utensils with their hands. Cleaning, rinsing and drying utensils were and are still very commonly done with hands. But slowly and steadily dishwashers have started entering Indian kitchens. Many people in metros and big cities have started buying dishwashers to make every day cleaning of utensils more automated and reliable. As adding any other appliance adds to the electricity bills,

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Turning Green – Bijli Bachao case study – Mr Vedang Bakshi

By on April 26, 2018
Turning Green – Bijli Bachao case study – Mr Vedang Bakshi
As we have started getting feedback from people whom we helped reducing electricity bills, we thought of starting a new series of articles called “Turning Green”. In this series we will present case studies of certain houses, with their electricity consumption in the past, changes made to reduce consumption, investment made and the final outcome in number of units. First in this series is Mr Vedang Bakshi from Nagpur with whom we started interacting in Aug 2012.

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Street lighting and General Illumination options for residential complexes: HPSV, LED, Fluorescent and Solar

By on January 28, 2020
Street lighting and General Illumination options for residential complexes: HPSV, LED, Fluorescent and Solar
Street lighting and general illumination are very important for security in all residential complexes. Parking lots and pathways should be lit uniformly as it provides a sense of security. Although lighting may be a small portion of a residential complex’s electricity bills it is a very important aspect for the well being of the residents. Lately, with rising electricity bills, management committees of various residential complexes have started thinking about various

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Powerstrips or Surge Protector can help cut standby power or vampire power

By on January 31, 2020
Powerstrips or Surge Protector can help cut standby power or vampire power
How would you feel if you have to pay for something that you didn’t even use? Most people will feel bad unless they have a lot of money that they don’t care about. Paying for standby power or vampire power is one such thing. In one of our previous article (Switch off the Plug Point) we talked about standby power. Standby power or vampire power is the “electricity” that you do

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Cloths Dryer can add a lot of units on your electricity bills

By on April 22, 2016
Cloths Dryer can add a lot of units on your electricity bills
Drying clothes outside the window or outside the house on a cloth line has been very common in India. Even till date most of the people use this method to dry their clothes post wash. But because of influence from the west and movement of NRIs back to India, sale of cloth dryers has been increasing in India. Cloths Dryer provides quick and easy solution to dry clothes post wash with lesser need for ironing. But all this convenience comes at a cost that is increase

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Quick Cool on Air Conditioner does not cool quickly

By on April 22, 2016
Quick Cool on Air Conditioner does not cool quickly
Coming into a room after being through a hot weather outside, most people would want to cool down their rooms quickly. What many people do is that they turn on the air conditioner in the room in quick cool mode thinking that it will cool the room quickly. But does the quick cool mode really cool a room quickly? Does the motor in the air conditioner run faster when you start it in the quick cool mode? It does NOT. So why is it called quick cool? It is mostly because

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Replace old inefficient air conditioners with BEE star rated air conditioners to save electricity

By on April 27, 2016
Replace old inefficient air conditioners with BEE star rated air conditioners to save electricity
Very recently, while interacting with some of the readers of Bijli Bachao, we came across a few people who were getting very high electricity bills and were concerned about it. On investigating more, we found out that they were using Air Conditioners that were more than 10-12 years old and hence were quite inefficient. We realized that a lot of people hold on to the old inefficient appliances worrying about the cost of buying new efficient appliances, but what they

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Decoding LT, HT, Domestic, Commercial and Industrial tariff structures by utilities

By on July 14, 2020
Decoding LT, HT, Domestic, Commercial and Industrial tariff structures by utilities
We at Bijli Bachao get a lot of emails from our readers asking for help about their electricity bills. While discussing the electricity bills, we talk about words like LT, HT, Domestic tariff, Commerical tariff or industrial tariff, but we realized that very few people understand them and how rates/tariffs of electricity are structured. With this article, we would like to help people understand various types of tariff structures that utilities come up with and also

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